YUVA main objective is to provide medical and social support for the rural villagers, & urban slums within the community & government. Our motif is help those families who are unable to manage their diet, wellness, medicines & regular check-ups.
Our unshakeable belief that India will never achieve its true growth story, we initiated YUVA with this mission to focus our attention on those who are unable to find their jobs, in that case we provide a beneficial job according to your eligibility.
YUVA, an education empowers an Individual to earn their livelihood and increase awareness on range of issues. Education plays an important role for appropriate social behaviour and to understand the rights that help in empowerment of women's especially those residing in villages and urban slums.
Our unshakeable belief that India will never achieve its true growth story, we initiated YUVA with this mission to focus our attention to those who are unable to find their jobs, in that case we provide a beneficial job according to your eligibility.